Kinky Giantess

Giantesses destroy tiny things

Katelyn had beef with a lady in the HR department and she wanted to fire Katelyn. When she attempted to fire Katelyn, she took him and ate her alive. She puked her and in that shrunken state, humiliated and tortured her. She then let her get back to her original state and told her if she ever messes with her again, she would do worse that she did to her.

Katelyn was mad at this guy for messing up her chances of hooking up with this hottie. To punish him, she crushed him and shrunk him. She then crushed him with her giant feet after shrinking him and tortured him. She did all manner of things to him and when she was tired, she reinstated him and made him run away like a mad man. She then went to pursue her guy.

Giantess Nicole was mad at her slave for not doing her assignment. She did not want to fail so she made sure he learned his lesson so that it does not happen next time. She crushed him and shrunk him and made sure he begged her to reinstate him to his normal self. When she did, she made him swear he would not do it again or else the consequences would be dire.

Giantess Daisy wanted to teach her noisy neighbors a lesson. They always made noise for her when they had sex and it irritated her a lot. Since they were not about to stop any time soon despite talking to them severally, she decided to act. She waited till they were doing it then she went to their house and shrunk them into tiny little people. She told them if they do not do as she says she would leave them like that.

This mistress wanted to have a good time with this guy but when they were doing it, she realized he had a tiny dick and could not satisfy her. She was mad and could not stand not being satisfied. She shrunk him and made sure he was a tiny man then she used him to masturbate until she was satisfied with herself. When she was done, she sent him away.

Katelyn is a playful mistress who likes to tease and humiliate others. She likes to take their precious things and crush them. What they do not know is that she has powers to crush and shrink things and she uses it to humiliate others. She took their things and crushed them. When they asked where they were, she opened her mouth to show them where they are. Then she laughed at them.

This mistress hates toy cars. When she saw one in her house, she was pissed off. She took it and placed it in between her tits and she crushed it with her giant tits. But she was not yet done with it. She took it and placed in between her butt cheeks and she crushed it with her ass too. She wanted it to stink and be destroyed at the same time.

Giantess Jade likes to eat and crush things. She was mad at her friend for not doing what they had agreed on and she wanted to teach her a lesson. She took her precious stuff and she crushed them with her mouth. She destroyed them with her teeth and made sure she could not use them anymore. That was supposed to teach her the value of not going back on her word.

When Katelyn got the powers of shrinking and unshrinking things, she used them to get back at those people who made her childhood holidays a nightmare. She went to their houses and made them shrink and she threatened to crush them and destroy them completely. When they cried to her and begged her to forgive them, she decided to torment and torture them a bit before she returned them to their original state.

Katelyn likes to tease and threaten guys in order to have them do whatever it is she wants them to do. There is nothing that can make someone do anything she wants better than instilling a little fear on them. Other mistresses inflict pain but she instills fear and it works better. She shrunk this guy and told him to give her the contract. For fear of being made to remain in that state, he agreed.

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