Zoe's ex-boyfriend is still pissing her off, calling her, nearly harassing her so she invited him over and before he knew what he was getting into she shrunk him to doll size. She easily wrapped him in duct tape and placed him on the couch. Now she lifts her mini skirt so you can see her sexy ass just covered by a thong and she just sits down on him. Smothering and crushing her ex-boyfriend to death under her gorgeous ass!
This little guy sneaked up to giantess Isabelle who is wearing her sexy red platform high heels today. She doesn't notice him at first and he gets scared when the big shoes hit the ground - which feels like an earthquake to him! And he'd all the right to be scared as they suddenly hit him and Isabelle's weight comes down on him. The unbelievable weight presses him into the carpet - when she notices that she stepped on him. Now she tortures him a little more using her sharp heels on his tiny body. In the end she just puts him into the shoe and crushes him between the shoe's insole and her sexy feet in nylons.
Goddess Tierra always wondered what it would feel like to sit a shrunken man to death. Today she'll try it! She places a tiny guy - which is barely the size of her hand - on a wooden chair and lowes her sexy butt - just covered with a thong - until she feel his tiny body. She sits down slowly on him before she really crushes him. In the end he's even stuck in her ass!
Giantess April stands right above you in this video and raises her worn black boots. The heels are so run out you can already see the steel core when they come down on your tiny body. Guess that and the black soles of the boots are the last thing you're going to see in your life!
Adriane was mad at her mother and shrunk her to toe-size. Now it's time for revenge! She carefully steps on her mother's tiny body, plays with it before she throws her into the converse shoes she wore all day. The shoes smell absolutely disgusting as Adriane prefers to wear them with no socks and after her mother was in these stinky shoes for a while Adriane just puts them back on and crushes her mother in the shoes!
Katja did this video for one of her slaves who's addicted to the giantess fetish. She places a small doll on the floor and starts to trample it under her high heels. She easily rips it's head and body apart and just laughs while she continues to stomp the pieces!
Stephanie placed a tiny doll on a glass plate and stands on it now. She plays with the tiny doll, moves it around using her sexy feet and then starts crushing it. First she gently steps on it with the ball of her foot - but in the end she grinds it under her heels!
Cathy transformed a bitchy co-worker into a tiny doll and wants to finish this bitch! She always talked about Cathy being a fat and ugly bitch and now it's Cathy's time to get her revenge. She placed her on the company's parking lot and gets into her big car. The tiny girl is crushed immediately under the extreme weight of the car and Cathy just laughs about the cracking noises it makes when she drives over her victim.
Giantess Lilly Lamour shrunk a girl to doll size and wants to flatten the tiny girl under her gorgeous butt. She's pulling up her dress so you can see her sexy ass which she slowly lowers down on the girls body, first slowly rubbing it on her victim - then crushing the little girl under the full weight of her body. Wouldn't you love to die under such a sexy ass too?
Your goddess Tierra shrunk you and now your life depends on her mood - which isn't to well today. She's standing in front of you and teases you with her hot body while verbally humiliating you - telling you to enjoy the show before you're getting stomped by her giant feet and that she spend the whole day playing tennis - which made her feet extremely sweaty. Just after that she'll stomp you under her sweaty bare feet.